How to Setup a Property Alert on

You can make property hunting much easier by adding property alerts.

  1. As a property seeker, use alerts to ensure that you no longer have to worry about missing a property listing that could be perfect for you, without having to check for new listings on a regular basis.

  2. As a real estate owner looking to sell or rent out your property now or at some time in the future, setup property alerts to keep track of property values in your neighbourhood.

  3. As a real estate professional wanting to keep an eye on the Jamaican real estate market, create property alerts to monitor your area.

Want to learn more? Use the steps outlined below.

Managing Property Alerts

There are two ways to add property alerts

  1. From a property search

  2. From scratch

Thereafter, you can then sit back and relax until we send you email notifications when we publish any properties that match what you're looking for.

You'll begin to receive our email notifications immediately after the property alert is successfully saved.

Want to make changes

Check out the Changing or Removing Property Alerts section below on how to edit or delete property alerts.

Adding Property Alerts using a Property Search

Prior to Signing In

  1. Go to the Home page, perform a property search, and refine the search parameters using the criteria that's relevant for you. It's ok to continue refining your property search even if no properties are found.

  2. Select the "Alert me of listings like this" link at the top of the page. You'll be redirected to the "Sign Up" page.

  3. If you haven't already done so, sign up for a new account and/or sign in. You'll then be redirected to the Add Property Alerts area.

After Signing In

  1. Sign in. If you haven't already done so, you'll first need to sign up.

  2. Go to the Home page, perform a property search, and refine the search parameters using the criteria that's relevant for you. It's ok to continue refining your property search even if no properties are found.

  3. Select the "Alert me of listings like this" link at the top of the page. You'll be redirected to the Add Property Alerts area.

Saving a new Property Alert

Select the "Save" button, after adding any further changes you'd like. Changes could include additional property types and parish communities.

Adding Property Alerts from scratch

  1. Sign in. If you haven't already done so, you'll first need to sign up.

  2. Select the "View Alerts" menu option at the top of the page. You'll be redirected to the Property Alerts area. This page will show all property alerts you've already created. It allows you to add, edit or delete your property alerts.

  3. Select the "Add" button to create a new property alert. You'll be redirected to the Add Property Alerts area.

  4. Edit your search criteria as needed (e.g., to indicate the type of listings in which you're interested, one or more property types, parish, one or more parish localities, minimum and maximum price, etc.).

  5. Select the "Save" button. The changes will take effect immediately.

Changing or Removing Property Alerts

  1. Sign in.

  2. Select the "View Alerts" menu option at the top of the page. You'll be redirected to the Property Alerts area.

  3. Select the "Edit" button next to a specific property alert, so that you can make any changes needed.

  4. Select the "Delete" button next to a specific property alert, so that you can remove the property alert record.

If you need help, simply give us a call at +1 (876) 632 4173 and we'll assist you in any way we can.

Wishing you all the best with your property hunting.